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Excellent baby’s game.

Hello and welcome ! We are living in a nice and fine world. Our babies are more nice too. It is truth that we can’t give them enough time.We can’t play with them. Because we are very busy for ourselves. We must change this. Here are few idea of gaming so that we can play with them.

1. Dress the Baby


You need a timer and the layers and the doll babies. For this game, each guest must dress up doll-layers, and then put another layer once again as quickly as possible, using one hand, the other in the back. Depending on the amount of guest and/or the time you have, you can extend this to dress well with or without a hand behind his back. The invited guests who changes/dresses baby the fastest will be winner. 

2. Clothes Horse Game


You will need lots of clothespins and a stopwatch. You can place plenty of pegs on the horse and the prompt takes most of the stakes and placed in a container or bucket. If you can do it in 15 seconds, you will be the winner.


3. Belly Measure Game


You will need a tape measure, pen and paper for each guest and comments by belly honour pregnant. This is an excellent and easy game for all. Everyone can play this. Everyone will guess of how many centimetres the mother-to-be’s belly is. He/she will be winner who can guess closest.

4. Weight Game


You will need a scales, pen and paper for each guest and the guest of honour. If mum-to-be is comfortable taking part in this game, it will do as per above, except you need to guess mum’s weight. Generally a game more for a groups of friends that are close and mum is happy to do so – it’s a good idea to ask her first !


5. Baby Food !

You will need a variety of supermarket bought food for babies in jars/cans, spoons for each guest and blindfold. In this game, players take turns to be blindfolded and have to guess which baby they were trying to taste it blindfolded! Would not recommend this food to your guests, but it is a fun and silly game to play at baby showers! The person who guesses most foods is the winner.

6.Guess Who ?


You will need an image of a child from each guest. You need to plan before - ask all guests making pictures of baby for themselves and everyone will have to guess that the picture belongs to which guest. The person who derived most of the pictures is the winner.


New baby's game.


Babies are always innocent. We live for them. We love  them more than our lives. There are various baby's game in our world. Here are new five games for our baby.


1.Shake, rattle and roll

It is a very popular baby rolled sheet. Help the child's development, but they are lots of fun to play with, too. When the child is a little, try shaking flowing as she looks at you. You can then move it away from her and continued to shake it after that you do not know that you are interested. Very quickly, it will move its head, trying to find the source of the first order.

2.Rhyme time



Babies love to listen to the voice of the people and they are also fascinated by the repetitive sounds. Give your child the opportunity to listen to the songs of children or other so many poems suited for children's rhymes. Can you rhyme time at any time - in the bathroom, during snuggle time, or when you get in the car. These all possibilities of perfect leisure and improvement of language skills.

3.Baby has a ball



You can play ball with your child long before that your newborn is able to pick up and throw. First of all, try to give the ball to your child and see that is trying to do. You can show him different ways to play gently roll the ball or put it in a container. It develops the muscles and learn more about how the world works, it will begin to imitate and come with games.




Babies love music, soothing lullabies to rhythmic drums and silly songs. Give your child the opportunity to listen to a variety of different types of music. Depending on how he responds (what a COO? plunge autour? smile?)You may be able to choose its favorite music type. So you don't need 'real' songs to make the promotion of the development of the game. Exposure to the language will help your child build his vocabulary.


At first, you need a doll/pacifier for each person and a piece of ribbon per dummy. When everyone arrives at the baby shower, you must give them a dummy so that they wear it around their neck. When everyone arrived, explain that whenever someone is caught saying the word "Baby", the first person to spot them gets that person’s dummy. The idea of the game collect dolls as much as you can at the end of the day. This is a great game for everyone involved and listen carefully to what is happening! You can adapt the word to something else, for example, if the MOM-to-be has twins and can choose to "twin" or "Babies". You can choose another word 'belly '.


Games world : Five new games for your baby.

Now-a-days we all are busy. Always our babies feel alone. They find for company. We can make them happy for a while by few gaming. Here are few games for them.

1.Peek-a-Boo With Baby


This is a simple game and very beautiful. First of all, hide your face behind your hands and keep hands away. If you say, “peek-a-Boo” your baby do not know that you're always there when your face is covered. Your child will be more  excited. Slowly she will realize that you will come back soon if you go away. So she will not be disappear.

2.Mommy See, Mommy Do



Simply you can follow your baby and that will be a nice game. For example, if your baby is vokalising with the “coos” and ga - gas, try to imitate the sounds of your baby. That will help your child develop basic conversation skills. Similarly, when the baby smiles, smile again. This will help your child develop self-confidence and realize that you are having fun and enjoy his company.


3.Dance Around



Try to dance around with your child to strengthen cohesion and to meet the needs of your child. If she's in a playful mind, act a gentle to get her laughing. If your child is tired or upset, he may prefer a slow dance around the room to cool down with the movement.


4. Where is your nose ?


To encourage the growth of your child, ask with voice singing, “Where is your nose?” Then you can gently touch your nose and say "It is your nose!" Replay this game and play with the different parts of the body with your child or nearby objects. It will help your child to begin to learn the meaning of the different words.

5.Fabric fun with baby


You may watch how your child plays when you give him a piece of cloth with different materials such as jute canvas, corduroy, velvet, satin and dealing with. A variety of textures will intrigue and interest him. At the same time, it will help him build muscle strength and coordination.